

Bachelor of Arts with a major in 艺术与设计媒体
College of 艺术与科学 (CAS)
School of Arts and Humanities


萨拉·戈汉姆,M.F.A., M.A.T.
Assistant Academic Director, School of Arts and Humanities

迈克尔·J. 克里普斯,Ph值.D.
Academic Director, School of Arts and Humanities


艺术项目由一群享誉全国的专业艺术家组成. 教师的使命是培育和鼓励学生的个人成长, 发展, and 表达式 while preparing them to pursue a professional career.

After a firm grounding in the foundations, 指导学生用自己喜欢的媒介创作原创作品.



艺术与设计媒体课程通过由专业学者和艺术家教授的积极实践课程,培养求知欲和批判性思维技能. 同时传授传统艺术媒介的基本表达技巧, 该计划鼓励学生扩展他们的概念和感知能力,并接受当前技术媒体的培训,这些技术媒体既支持传统艺术,又成为当代社会的重要工具.

Developing connections between their personal experience and art, 科学, 社会科学, 环境是该项目的重要组成部分,并在为期一年的集中研讨会经验(所有专业都要求)中得到强调,学生可以选择从传统艺术(如绘画和陶瓷)到视频制作的重点领域. 学生将获得对创作过程和自己的表达能力的深刻理解,最终在他们个人创作作品的展览中达到高潮. 无论是规划职业生涯的艺术或发展创新的跨学科工作的双专业, 艺术与设计媒体课程将为21世纪的学生培养不同的优势和技能.


艺术与设计媒体课程强调学生获得代表适当专业实践的技能,并清楚地了解如何准确评估自己的工作, 表达式, 和清晰. 在这些技能中,学生将获得以下方面的经验和知识:

  • Creative and compositional methods across media.
  • 从最初的草图和轮廓到完成作品的创作过程. Problem solving is intrinsic to this process.
  • 通过在高年级的深入学习,发展他们的个人声音.
  • The link between concept and media.
  • 艺术史的重点是当代实践在西方和非西方世界.
  • Critical thinking and aesthetic assessment both verbal and written.

该计划为学生提供了在他们将工作的艺术专业中使用的工具和最新技术的实践经验. 他们学习并学会:

  • 欣赏、理解和运用各种媒介的工艺方法.
  • Develop their knowledge and abilities in graphic and web design, commercially viable skills with broad applicability.
  • Develop working knowledge of the gallery and museum world.

鼓励学生将他们的艺术学习与其他学科联系起来,并有机会创作表达他们背景和兴趣的作品. 艺术传媒专业需要36个学分,这使得他们可以选修英语双学位, 历史, 自由研究, 政治科学, 数学, 或心理学.

学生还可以在艺术和/或通信组织进行三(3)学分实习,作为学习课程的一部分. 教师将与感兴趣的学生合作,促进这一选择.


ARH 210 – Art 历史 Survey I or ARH 211 – Art 历史 Survey II or ARH 270 – Art in the Modern World3
艺术104 -绘画13
ART 113 – Three Dimensional Fundamentals3
ART 118 -绘图 & 基本设计原理3
ART 200 – Advanced Drawing3
ART 214 – Color Digital Photography or CMM 300 – Documentary Video or CMM 311 – Digital Video Production or WRT 304 -读取 & Write in Digital Environments3
艺术230 -图形设计3
ART 395 – Studio Concentration Seminar3
LIL 420 -艺术 & 人文学科的顶点3
Three (3) credits of elective coursework from List A (below)3
Six (6) credits of elective coursework from either List A or B名单6
Open Elective Courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)变量
Minimum Total Required 学分120


列表A -可选选项学分
艺术101 -水彩画3
ART 102 -摄影3
ART 105 – Elements of Acting3
ART 108 -造船3
ART 109 - t恤设计3
ART 110 -陶瓷3
ART 111 – Scientific Illustration3
ART 114 -版画3
ART 124 – The Painted Book3
ART 130 – Art of the Letter3
ART 199 – Topics Course (any media)3
ART 207 – Landscape Painting3
ART 214 – Color Digital Photography3
ART 234 – Digital Animation3
ART 299 – Advanced Topics in Arts3
ART 324 – The Painted Book 3D3
ART 401 – Creative/Fine Arts Internship3
列表B -选修课学分
CMM 210 – Understanding Media3
CMM 300 – Photo and Video Documentation3
CMM 311 – Digital Video and Audio Production3
CMM 430 – Internship in Communication3
HIS 345 -博物馆 & 公共历史3
LIL 120 – Introductory Arts & 人文讲座3
WRT 111 – Topics in Creative Writing3
WRT 211 – Creative Writing: Poetry3
WRT 212 – Creative Writing: Short Fiction3
WRT 304 -读取 & Write in Digital Environments3
WRT 312 – Fiction Writing Workshop3
WRT 317 – Proposal and Grant Writing3

平均绩点2分.0 or higher is required for this degree.

View the Suggested Progression for Art and Media Majors (PDF)

学生 in this major can participate in the pre-health graduate school preparation tracks.


Through directed and experiential learning, courses in the 有创意的 arts introduce understanding of methods, 材料, and processes and their application. 学生通过亲身体验学习具体和直观的思考. 讲师提供历史和当代模型来传达这些概念. 通过艺术学习可以让学生获得各种独立但相互关联的概念和技能,以展示创作过程的知识, 工艺, 还有个人的声音. 学生 successfully completing arts study will:

  • 能够确定和演示研究和创造的具体方法和过程, 或性能, 在艺术领域. 因此,他们将能够展示图形和/或符号沟通的技能.
  • 能够组装或执行在该学科中展示工艺标准的工作. 相应的, they will learn methods of writing, 讨论, and critique of 有创意的 works of art or music.
  • Develop skills that expand their expressive capabilities, 他们的目标是形成一种独特的个人声音,强调他们的兴趣和经历.


We offer qualified students the option of graduating with Honors. This includes significant scholarly, 有创意的, or experiential activity under the direction of a faculty member. Interested students should consult with their advisor. 


看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.


看到 本科招生 了解更多信息.



Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the 财务信息 本目录部分.

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This catalog outlines the academic programs, 度标准, 政策, 以及正规澳门赌场网络2024 - 2025学年的活动,并作为2024年夏季在大学入学的学生的学术和课程要求的官方指南, 2024年秋季, 和2025年春季学期.

正规澳门赌场网络保留修改课程的权利, 日历, or academic schedule as deemed necessary or beneficial. This includes alterations to course content, 类重新安排, 取消, or any other academic adjustments. Changes will be communicated as promptly as possible.

而学生可能会得到学术顾问或项目主任的指导, 他们仍然有责任满足与入学年度相关的目录中列出的要求,并随时了解政策的任何更新, 规定, 或需求.