Jerome Mullin

Jerome Mullin, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry

Ludcke Chair 2013


Biddeford Campus



LeMoyne College


Current research

新型14族金属的合成与光谱表征, especially luminescence and aggregation-induced luminescence (AIE); preparation and characterization of luminescent rare earth (e.g.、铽、铕、镝)杂双金属化合物(如.g., silver and gold dicyanides) and energy transfer characteristics of said compounds; determination of heavy metal distributions in regional marine and fresh-water sediments

Selected publications

Scalise, R.E.;* Caradonna, P.A.;* Tracy, H.J.; Mullin, J.L.; Keirstead, A.E. “1,1-Dimethyl-2,3,4,5-四苯基硅酮作为分子转子探针研究咪唑类离子液体的微粘度,” 无机和有机金属聚合物与材料杂志, 2014, 24(2), 431-441.


Mullin, J.L.; Tracy, H.J. 14族金属矿(井)的聚集诱导发射, germoles, 和史坦诺):光谱考虑, Substituent Effects, and Applications,” Chapter 2 in 聚集诱导排放:基本原理 (A. Qin and B.Z. Tang, Ed.), Wiley,伦敦,ISBN: 978-1-118-39430- 4,440页,2013年10月. (邀请和同行评审章节)

Edwards, K.A.;* Fecteau, K.M.;* Hopkins, J.M.;* Benfaremo, N.; Ford, J.R.; Mullin, J.L.; Prudente, C.K.; Tracy, H.T. 1的合成和不同寻常的发光行为,1-Dimethyl-2,5-di(2-naphthyl)-3,4-diphenylsilole,” Journal of Luminescence, 2013, 134, 544-550.


Bozeman, T.C.;* Edwards, K.A.;* Fecteau, K.M.;* Verde Jr., M.G.;* Blanchard, A.;* Woodall, D.L.*;  Benefaremo, N.; Ford, J.R.; Mullin, J.L.; Prudente, C.K.; Tracy, H.J. 甲基取代筒仓:合成、取代基效应和聚集诱导发射 无机和有机金属聚合物与材料杂志, 2011, 21(2), 316-326.


Mullin, J.L.; Dyer, J.;* Whalen, N.;* Randall, R.;* Dow, S.“白令海和楚科奇海沉积物中的痕量金属分布”,载于 第四次美俄白令海和楚科奇海联合考察(BERPAC - 93)结果, Kohl, S.; Rice, C.; Grebmeier, J.; Chernyak, S.; Sauer, J., editors, US Fish & 野生动物管理局,华盛顿特区,2011年.


Mullin, J.L.; Tracy, H.J.; Ford, J.R.; Keenan, S.R.;* Fridman, F.*“聚集诱导辐射的特征”1,1-Dimethyl-2,3,4,5-tetraphenyl and 1,1,2,3,4,5-六苯基硅酮和锗," 无机和有机金属聚合物与材料杂志, 2007, 17, 201-213. *这是JIOPM为纪念Ian Manners教授而发表的特刊特邀论文.


Lu, H.; Yson, R. L.; Ford, J. R.; Tracy, H. J.; Carrier, A. B.;* Keller, A.;* Mullin, J. L.; Poisson*, M. J.; Sawan, S.;* Patterson, H. H. 发光Tb[AgxAu1-x(CN)2]3 (x = 0 - 1)中d10异双金属双氰化物(I)供体离子到铽(III)受体离子的可调能量转移," Chemical Physics Letters, 2007, 443, 55-60.


Tracy, H.T.; Mullin, J.L.; Klooster, W.T.; Martin, J.A.; Haug, J.; Wallace, S.; Rudloe, I.; Watts, K. 聚集体和固溶体中14族金属的增强光致发光 Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 2003-2011.

Fermann, J.;* Kakareka, J.; Klooster, W.; Mullin, J.L.; Quatrucci, J.*; Ricci, J.; Tracy, H.J.; Vining, W.; Wallace, S.*“一系列14族金属化合物的电化学和光物理性质”,  Inorganic Chemistry, 1999, 38, 2464 - 2472.

Mullin, J.L.; Dyer, J.L.; Whalen, N.; Randall, R.; Dow, S. 《正规澳门赌场网站》(俄文), in 动态生态系统Berigova i Chukotskogo morei, Nauka, Moscow, 1999.

Mullin, J.L.; Marquardt, M.*“电子表格控制电位分析” J. Chem. Educ., 1995, 72, 400-401.

Mullin, J.L.; Eierman, R.J. “学生在本科定量分析中广泛使用电子表格”  J. Chem. Educ., 1990, 67, 878-881.

Other scholarly activity

Verde Jr., M. G; Bozeman, T.; Fecteau, K.; Woodall, D.L.; Orlando, A.E.; Tracy, H.J.; Ford, J.R.; Prudente, C.K.; Benfaremo, N.; Mullin, J.L. 一系列甲基取代筒仓的光物理和电化学表征," Paper 845, 美国化学会全国会议, San Francisco, CA, March, 2010.


Mullin, Jerome L. 芳基取代硅孔和锗的聚集诱导发射:有些有,有些没有,” Invited talk at the 首届聚集诱导排放国际研讨会2013年5月17日至20日,中国武汉.

Research interests

Spectroscopic characterization of novel metalloles and their potential application in electro-optical devices (such as LEDs and chemical sensors); luminescence and energy transfer in rare earth-heterobimetallic compounds; applications of fluorescence and chemiluminescence in chemical analysis; determination of heavy metal distributions in the environment.

Research topics
