
凯瑟琳一个. 小野,Ph值.D.






University of California, Santa Cruz
University of California, Davis
Ph.D. 动物学
University of California, Davis


  • 动物行为
  • 保护生物学
  • 海洋哺乳动物生物学
  • 动物学


博士后训练: National Zoological Park, Washington D.C.



Initiating studies on the behavior of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in Maine; studies on the diving behavior of harbor seal pups.


McCosker C, Flanders K, 小野 K, Dufault M, Mellone D, and Olson Z. 2020. Metabarcoding fecal DNA reveals extent of Halichoerus grypus (gray seal) foraging on invertebrates and incidence of parasite exposure.  Northeastern Naturalist 27: 681-700.

Dufault M, Olson Z, Mellone D, Flanders K, and 小野 K. 2021. Flatfish may be underestimated in the 饮食 of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). 可以adian Journal of 动物学 99(3): 227-234

Flanders K, Olson Z, and 小野 K. 2020.  Utilizing next-generation sequencing to identify prey DNA in western North Atlantic grey seal Halichoerus grypus 饮食. 3月ine Ecology Progress Series 655: 227-240.

Lerner J.E.小野,K.埃尔南德斯,K.M.伦斯泰德,J.A.珀尔,W.Polito M.J. (审查). Evaluating the use of stable isotope analysis to infer the feeding ecology of a growing US gray seal (Halichoerus grypus)人口. 《正规澳门赌场网络》.

小野,K.A. 施泰因拜塞尔,C.M.可可,A.B.Sheehan, M.J.贝克,A.J, Dufault, M.N.吉尔伯特,K。.M.安东尼斯,J.J., 奥尔森,Z.H. (审查).  Detecting spiny dogfish in grey seal 饮食s.  Conservation Genetics Resources

A Thomas, K 小野. 2015,  Diving related changes in the blood oxygen stores of rehabilitating harbor seal pups (Phoca vitulina).  PLOSone: DOI: 10.1371 /杂志.玉米饼.0128930

竹内N.Y., D.S. 理发师,K.A. 小野.  2011.  Circulating retinol and alpha-tocopherol levels in rehabilitating harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)幼崽.  J. 野生动物康复中心. 31(3): 15-22

Masland E.D.P., M.A. Sweezy K.A. 小野.  2010.  Molecular methods for differentiating grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)及斑海豹(Phoca vitulina)拟声唱法.  Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 214-217

罩,W. R.,和K. A. 小野.  1997.  Variation in maternal attendance patterns and pup behavior in a declining population of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus).  可以. J. 动物学75:1241-1246.

小野,K. A.  1997.  Sea lions, life history and reproduction.  In: The Evolving Female:  A Life-      历史 Perspective, eds. M. E. Morbeck,. 加洛韦和A. L. Zihlman.  Princeton University Press:  Princeton, NJ, pgs. 34-45.

 西湖,R. L.佩里曼,W. L.小野,K. A.  1997.  Comparison of       vertical aerial photographic and ground censuses of Steller sea lions at Año Nuevo Island, 1990年7月- 1993年.  3月. Mamm. Sci. 13: 207-218.

小野,K. A.D。. J. 骨头.  1996.  Sexual size dimorphism in California sea lion pups:  Differential maternal investment or sexual differences in energy allocation? Behav. Ecology and Sociobiology 38: 31-41.

小野,K.A.  1995. Effects of climate change on marine mammals in the far North.  In:  Human Ecology and Climate Change:  人 and Resources in the Far North, ed. D. L. 彼得森和D. R. 约翰逊.  Washington, DC:  Taylor and Francis, pgs. 105-121.

小野,K. A., D. J. 啊,骨头. T. 奥弗泰德尔博士,年代. J. 艾弗森.  1993.  The effects of El Niño on mother-pup biology in the California sea lion.  In:  Third California Islands Symposium:  Recent Advances in 研究 on  the California  Islands., ed. F. G. 业务.  Santa Barbara Museum of Natural 历史:  Santa Barbara, CA.  pp. 495-499.

1991.  Pinnipeds and El Niño:  Responses to Environmental Stress.  F. 特里米奇和K. A. 小野, editors, Springer-Verlag.  293 pp.

Comparison of 健康 and Behavior Parameters in Rehabilitated Stranded and Wild Harbor Seal Pups (Phoca vitulina concolor), an EPA grant to study to study pathogens, diving and movements of harbor seal pups in Maine.

位置-specific diving behavior of Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)幼崽, a CAS mini-grant to study feeding behavior in wild harbor seal pups.  




Behavioral ecology of pinnipeds (seals and sea lions); diving behavior and life history studies in seals; breeding behavior of pinnipeds; reproductive biology of pinnipeds.