A woman smles for a photo in front of a countryside Spanish city

‘Little by Little,’ a UNE 研究er’s Fulbright Dream Comes True


Karen Houseknecht was the first in her family to go to college. In 2023, she became a Fulbright Senior Scholar.

Houseknecht, Ph值.D., associate provost for 研究 and Scholarship at the University of New England and professor of pharmacology within the College of Osteopathic Medicine,是 honored with the prestigious award to travel and work in 马德里,西班牙, from February to May 2023. 

在那里, she served as Senior Scholar in Pharmacology within the College of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), 在那里,她与主持人马努埃拉·加西亚·洛佩兹(Manuela Garcia Lopez)一起进行了她的提案“整合调节代谢和痴呆的机制:一种跨学科的方法”的研究, M.D., Ph.D.,主任 UAM’s Teofilo Hernando Institute for Drug Discovery.

In addition to lecturing on pharmacology and drug development, 她的研究重点是与神经药理学团队的教师合作,评估阿尔茨海默病的新治疗方法, 包括使用当前糖尿病药物延缓或预防痴呆的潜力. The long-term goal of her research, 她说, 是帮助发现新的治疗方法,重点是提高生活质量和患者安全.

A group of people pose in front of a research presentation

豪斯内克特(中)与马德里大学Autónoma神经保护实验室的研究人员合影, 她在那里研究糖尿病和痴呆等疾病的药物研发. 在右边, 她站在西班牙首都大学医学院大楼前.

A woman poses in front of a Spanish university building

“跨学科研究合作使我们能够扩展我们的科学,提出更大的问题, 更综合的问题,因为我们寻求解决复杂问题,如治疗痴呆症,” Houseknecht remarked. “我从神经精神药理学团队的科学家那里学到了很多东西, 作为一名糖尿病研究人员和药物发现科学家,分享我的观点很有趣. I’m hopeful this collaboration will be a long and productive one.”

豪斯内克特是一位药理学家,他的研究是神经科学和内分泌学的结合, focusing on understanding factors that regulate mood and metabolism, 包括糖尿病. A prominent biomedical researcher, she received her Ph.D. 毕业于康奈尔大学,并在哈佛医学院贝斯以色列医院完成了内分泌研究员的博士后培训.

A woman smles for a photo in front of a countryside Spanish city
A countryside city in Spain with forts and villages
The ocean with the setting sun and a boat
Karen Houseknech poses in front of a presentation
View of a rocky beach

Established by Congress in 1946, the 富布赖特项目 是U.S. government's flagship international educational exchange program, 旨在增进美国人民与其他国家人民之间的相互了解.

The 富布赖特项目 is the oldest running program at the U.S. 国务院, Houseknecht joins the more than 400,000名学生, 学者, 老师, 艺术家, 而那些被选中的科学家,他们的学术成就和领导潜力, through the 富布赖特项目, have been given the opportunity to study, 教, 进行研究, 交流思想, contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns.

Houseknecht spoke fondly of her time in Spain, 她住在马德里著名的太阳门(Puerta del Sol),沉浸在西班牙的日常生活中, with excursions reflecting the intersection of science and culture.

在她的旅途中, 豪斯内克特在马德里和格拉纳达的大学和研究机构的演讲中分享了她的研究. 而在后者中, Houseknecht celebrated the 10-year anniversary of an exchange program between the UNE College of Pharmacy and the College of Pharmacy at the University of Granada (UGR; Universidad de Granada).

该交流项目旨在让药学专业的学生了解欧洲和美国医疗保健政策之间的差异,并提高对文化对医疗保健决策和政策制定的影响的认识. 该计划是UNE培养具有世界文化知识的合格全球公民的目标的一部分.

在格拉纳, 豪斯内克特会见了UGR药学项目的院长,并参加了UGR药学学生的招聘会议. 

Other experiences included a diplomatic envoy to 丹吉尔、摩洛哥 (where UNE has a study abroad campus); where she immersed herself in the pageantry of Semana Santa (Easter) in Seville, an experience she called “a transformative moment.”

A woman smles for a photo in front of a countryside Spanish city
A walled city in Spain
A family poses for a photo with a dog
在塞维利亚的圣诞老人节期间,圣母玛利亚的肖像被陈列在花车的顶部, 或复活节, 庆祝活动
A group of people poses in front of a Spanish garden

回家, she spoke about her role in engaging in citizen diplomacy, 反映出她的旅行是为了建立联系和克服逆境. 

“富布赖特项目引人注目的一个方面是,它侧重于公民外交的力量,以建立国际理解和促进和平, 最终, contribute to world peace,豪斯内克特说. 作为Fulbrighters, we are charged by the 国务院 to serve as citizen diplomats, to share our personal stories, 让自己沉浸在当地文化中,以便获得全球视野,并参与有关政治和文化差异的对话,有时是艰难的对话,以便更好地解决共同的问题. 

该项目也是为美国学者设计的,以获得在我们可能不会说语言的地方生活和工作的视角,并且必须学习一种与世界互动的新方式,她补充道。. “我很荣幸,也很感激,能有这个机会为国家服务,促进个人成长.”

格温马洪, UNE provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs, praised Houseknecht for her work and remarked that, though her Fulbright experience was not traditional, it should serve as an inspiration to all UNE faculty.

“凯伦的富布赖特经历强调了国际交流在促进学术界和制定高尚的全球解决方案方面的巨大价值,马洪说. “她对跨文化合作的奉献不仅增强了新UNE的全球影响力,而且为寻求拓宽视野和丰富学术追求的教师树立了鼓舞人心的榜样.”