
Do you want to expand your career options by enhancing your computer skills? As an increasing number of professions have become more reliant upon computer systems, a Computer Science minor is an ideal complement to a broad array of academic majors. 在正规澳门赌场网络辅修计算机科学, you will learn computational reasoning and gain an understanding of algorithmic solutions and the principles of database management. 熟练掌握这些技术, along with interdisciplinary research opportunities and on-the-job experience in internships, your skill set will be in high demand by employers and will enable you to do far more with your major than you ever imagined. 

A student sites in front of the water on a bench working on a laptop


Most jobs in the computer science field are not performed in a vacuum; they are carried out within other fields and industries, from pharmacy and other health sciences to biology, 海洋科学, 和业务. UNE’s Computer Science minor is not just a pared-down version of a computer science major. It is its own unique program that is designed to complement majors in a variety of other fields. 

  • 基于项目的课程
  • 促进跨学科研究
  • Supports internships with many local partner companies
  • Enhances career prospects no matter what your major

With the outlook for computer science job growth at a staggering 15%, a rate faster than the average job growth for all occupations, I truly believe UNE’s curriculum for the Computer Science minor will set students with a fantastic foundation for rewarding careers in technology.“对我来说确实如此! — Hanna Sihler ’18, Software Test Analyst (Idexx)



Whether you’re providing computational assistance to a faculty member in a medical lab, 在海洋研究所实习, or working in class to develop an algorithm for a business’ website search engine, hands-on learning allows you to meld computer science with your academic major for real-life experiences that prepare you for careers in your chosen field.


Our students have combined their interest in computer science with other passions to explore a wide variety of research subjects. Past projects have included Twitter mining to examine sentiments surrounding a social issue, developing software to classify breast cancer based on data, designing a Dynamic Programming algorithm with applications for gene sequencing, and examining ocean data to understand Biddeford Pool’s currents.


A variety of local businesses offer internships that enhance a wide range of majors while also supporting the computer science minor. 这些可能包括:

  • Idexx
  • Unum
  • 马丁点医疗保健公司

For more information about internships contact the 学术和职业咨询中心.

A computer science student reviews computer code on a large screen


In addition to required courses in Discrete Math, 数据结构, 和Python编程, other coursework in the minor may include:

  • 线性代数
  • 数据库设计与SQL
  • 图论
  • 数值分析
  • 编程二世


A student with a major in another program may minor 计算机科学 with the approval of the Academic Director. A minimum of eighteen (18) hours of approved course credit is required.

Students wishing to declare a Computer Science minor should complete a course plan in consultation with a Mathematical Sciences faculty member.

Students may earn a 辅修计算机科学 by completing the following:

dsc225 -程序设计1 or MAT 225 – Computer Programming with MATLAB3
MAT 212 -离散数学3
Select Three (3) of the Following ElectivesCredits
DSC 301 – Introduction to Database Design/SQL3
dsc325 -程序设计II3
MAT 220 -线性代数3
MAT 405 – Introduction to 数值分析3

有关更多信息,请参阅 学术目录.


Through your strong foundation in the principles and methods of computer science and knowledge of your major, as well as your experiences with interdisciplinary study, 研究项目, 学生实习, you will be prepared for many lucrative and in-demand jobs in your field that require a computer science background.

另外, a Computer Science minor will position you to grow your career toward more familiar, 非常需要, 技术角色,例如:

  • 网络安全专家
  • 数据库管理员
  • Web developer/Search engine optimization specialist
  • 电子商务顾问
  • 系统分析师
  • 数据科学家
  • 云计算专家/云工程师
  • 用户体验设计师
  • 机器学习工程师
Pair a Computer Science Minor with a Major in 在…领域的职业生涯
  • Biology
  • 医学生物学
  • Pre-Pharmacy
  • 计算生物学
  • 生物信息学
  • 基因测序
  • 医疗保健人工智能(AI)
  • 海洋科学
  • 环境科学
  • 水产养殖与水族馆科学
  • 海洋研究
  • 水产养殖的研究
  • 水质研究
  • 环境研究
  • English
  • History
  • 自然语言处理
  • 档案研究
  • Business
  • 商业/金融分析
  • Web开发
  • 数据管理
  • 商业软件开发
  • 应用数学
  • 数据挖掘
  • 精算分析
  • 哲学
  • 软件伦理
  • 艺术与设计媒体
  • 数码图像制作
  • 计算机图形学
  • 神经科学
  • 脑机接口
  • 公共卫生
  • 公共卫生信息学
  • 预测建模



National 平均工资 对于计算机科学家


预计 就业市场增长 2019-2029年面向计算机科学家

U.S. 美国劳工统计局,2021年



Contact 本科招生 at (800) 477-4863 or 电子邮件admissions@stilllearninglife.com. You can also stop by our office on the Biddeford Campus Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.